Monday, June 7, 2021

07/06/21 - Samantha Jade being interviewed on 9Honey's "You"

" Woke Up Like This": The unique ritual Samantha Jade starts her day with.

In our "I Woke Up Like This" series, 9Honey removes the filters from everyday life and bares all for a much-needed reality check.

Speaking to a range of people — from faces you know to faces you will want to know — we tear away the façade of make-up and social media and bring things back to basics with realistic 'I woke up like this' selfies and morning routines.

Today, we're 'waking up' with pop star Samantha Jade.

What time do you wake up?

"08 am is what my daily alarm is set for! But it is always changing depending on my schedule – I work around things like photoshoots, recordings or interviews."

How many alarms do you set?

"I always set two separate alarms. One is always 15 minutes before i really need to get up so i feel like i have a mini sleep in, haha"

Tea or coffee?

"Coffee always in the mornings!"

Television or radio, podcast or silence?

"Early in the morning, i love to enjoy the silence and ease into the day. Sometimes, i'll play music when i have a shower and get ready."

What do you eat for breakfast?

"I'm usually a coffee til lunch girl, but if i do have breakfast it's usually granola, fruit and yoghurt, it's one of my favourites."

How long does it take you to get out the door?

"I can be on the road in 30 minutes, i have learnt to get ready quick working in show business."

Any unusual morning rituals or habits?

"I always start the day with something my mum used to do and passed down to me. When i place my feet on the floor with one foot i say: "Thank" and the other "You". It's important to start the day with gratitude."

What's the one thing you never have time for in the morning?

"To pack a lunch! Especially if i'm in the studio all day. I always have this fantasy of my packing a nice salad or something, so i don't have to "Uber Eats". Ha! Never happens."

What's the one thing you always do in the morning?

"I always make the bed! It sets the tone of the day and is so lovely to come home to a tidy house."

Credit: [X]

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