Wednesday, June 2, 2021

02/06/21 - Samantha Jade being interviewed for the website ""

Samantha Jade’s game-changing mascara hack:

Samantha Jade spent her high school days feeling like she’d never get her bad skin under control. Fast forward to the present day and she’s become a household name; not just for her number one hits, but for consistently serving flawless beauty looks.

Which is why it came as no surprise that both her beauty collaborations with "Models Prefer" were complete sell-outs. 

Occasionally returning to a smokey eye when performing on stage, Samantha’s makeup style has increasingly softened over the years. “I have learnt less is more” she adds, citing “bronze dewy vibes” as her absolute go-to.

In this chat with "", Samantha takes us through the makeup trends she’s loving and the mascara-smudging hack we all need to hear. 

We touched on the trouble you had with your skin in high school. What’s your relationship like with your skin now?

“I realised i was using too many products, not washing my face properly and not drinking enough water! Now i feel i have learnt what works for my skin and my body. It’s important to remember you have to heal from the inside out, even when it comes to your skin.” 

What does your nighttime skin care routine look like?

“I used micellar water and then wash my face. Then i use a serum packed with hyaluronic acid followed by a night moisturiser and eye cream.”

What’s a current makeup trend you’re loving?

“I’m loving soap brows. I haven’t actually tried it yet but I love a full, natural-looking brow.” 

What’s the best makeup tip you’ve ever learnt?

“If you accidentally get mascara anywhere on your eyelid, wait until it dries then gently scratch it off. It just flakes off.”

Do you ever have low-key or makeup-free days? If so, what products do you use, if any?

“Absolutely. I use "Rationale’s SPF 50", which is slightly tinted and "Lanolips 101 Ointment" on my lips.”

 You can’t get your hands on the exact products Samantha uses, we recommend "Weleda Skin Food" and "SunSense Daily Face SPF 50+" for a similar result. 

When it comes to your own makeup, do you prefer neutral shades or pops of colour?

 “I'm a neutral girl! It's all about that sun-kissed bronze glow for me.”

Are there any unexpected ways you’ve been applying any of your makeup products?

“I sometimes use lipstick as a nice cheek stain. I find that it brings a nice glossy dewiness to the cheek.” 

Who’s your celebrity makeup muse?

“J.Lo! I love how she experiments, but her go-to look is always fresh, glowy and bronzy. My fave.”

Credit: [X]

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