Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Samantha Jade to create a song for the "Priceline Sisterhood" foundation

Samantha Jade is going to create a song for the "Priceline Sisterhood" foundation and she wants your help. 

Head in store to "Priceline" Campbelltown mall pharmacy to round up your transaction and and tell them what it means to you.

Sunday, June 27, 2021

28/06/21 - Samantha Jade being interviewed for the website ""

The calming sleep routine Samantha Jade swears by to wake up refreshed at 04am.

Welcome to "Bedtime Stories", an interview series where we ask inspiring individuals to share their nighttime routine and sleep secrets – from the beauty products they can’t live without to the tricks they swear by when they’re too tired to function (no coffee needed). For this installment, award-winning Australian singer, songwriter and actress Samantha Jade, reveals the simple bedtime routine she swears by that leaves her feeling refreshed when she wakes up at 04am. 

It's easy to get caught up and stressed when you're constantly chasing deadlines, ticking off chores and trying to maintain a social life, all while eating well and somehow fitting in exercise. Amongst all this, it can be impossible to find time for self-care. However, if we've learned anything from our Bedtime Stories series it's that prioritising sleep every night is the single most important thing you can do for your overall health - and Samantha Jade is a prime example of this. 

The award-winning australian singer, songwriter and actress is constantly on the go and in the public eye, which demands her utmost attention every day from as early as 04am until the second her head hits the pillow at night. So, how does she manage to stay energised and maintain that buoyant personality she's known for? It all comes down to her nighttime routine. 

Here, "Bed Threads Journal" sat down with the inspirational power woman where she reveals the simple and incredibly calming sleep routine she swears by that allows her to wake up feeling refreshed and motivated to take on any challenge.

Hi Samantha! Welcome to "Bedtime Stories". Can you walk us through your bedtime routine?

I have an ever-changing schedule, which demands my utmost attention throughout all hours (this calls for both early mornings and late nights), so an early night is otherwise known as a luxury. Given this, my bedtime always changes, but i usually hit the pillow around 11pm to midnight.

I like to start my night routine with a warm shower, followed by washing the day away from my face and applying my layered skincare routine. After this, i always make my sleepy tea to unwind with my lavender oil diffuser on to produce the ambiance.

What sleep or beauty products do you swear by that you won’t go a night without?

I love my beauty products. I’m absolutely in love with my "Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask". I use this sparingly every night to ensure sure my lips stay moist, plump and hydrated – it’s simply a must. I also swear by my trusty "Du'It Tough Hands" hand lotion to keep my hands soft; it's a real game-changer in winter to help keep my hands moisturised.

What is your solution for those nights you simply can’t nod off to sleep?

I finally found a routine that works seamlessly on those nights where sleep is somewhat "difficult". Being in the entertainment industry demands a good night's rest to restore and repair for the day ahead, and even more importantly, to be my best version every day. So finding even the smallest of ways to drift off to sleep is paramount. 

When those nights arise, I head straight to the Headspace app to de-stress and relax. This really helps me unwind and lull to sleep. I also love the "432 Hz Miracle Sleep Tones" on Spotify. It’s my little relaxing miracle that puts me straight to sleep with a beautiful tune. 

What time does your alarm go off in the morning?

I try to be consistent by waking up at the same time to establish a well-rested sleep routine - unless my schedule demands otherwise (especially when performing)! When i’m on the road, these hours can change, which i’m always prepared for, too. 

Typically, when i’m at home in Sydney, I set my alarm for 08am every morning, but this always depends on the day, my schedule and the particular events i have on. I sometimes have to wake up at 04am, but for these mornings coffee always helps!

What are three things (besides coffee) that help when you’re too tired to function?

Overall health and wellbeing are so important to me, so i choose to take "Goli Ashwaganda" gummies (an ancient medicinal herb with multiple health benefits) to relax and destress, which helps increase my likelihood of getting a better night’s sleep. I also really like "JSHealth Hair And Energy Vitamins" - they provide me with that additional boost of energy i seek.

If I’m feeling exhausted from my busy schedule, I’ll try and tie in a quick workout when i’m free, which makes me feel energised and rejuvenated. I always feel so much better after working out when tired.

What do you normally eat for breakfast to kick start your day?

My breakfast changes depending on what i have planned for the day, but i tend to survive on coffee until lunchtime. If time allows, i’ll opt for my trusted yoghurt, granola and fruit (always a favourite and equally as delicious), or if i’m going out for breakfast, i’ll opt for either avocado on toast or corn fritters with chilli. Yum! 

Credit: [X]

28/06/21 - Samantha Jade and Jules Sebastian on the "MCoBeauty." website

You can purchase the products shown in the video here: [X]

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

08/06/21 - Samantha Jade being interviewed for the website ""

Exclusive: Samantha Jade's pre-wedding secrets revealed!

"With the wedding around the corner i am more focused to be as fit mentally and physically as i can be." - by Alex Lilly

The countdown is on until Samantha Jade ties the knot with fiancé Pat Handlin, but rather than shredding for the wedding, the singer is determined to be as physically and mentally strong as possible in time for her big day:

"I definitely try to stick to no carbs after five and try to lower my sugar intake," Samantha tells "" when asked how her eating routine has changed in preparation for the wedding, "That doesn't always happen, but for the most part i try!"

However the 34-year-old adds that she hasn't made any drastic changes to her workout regime:

"Exercise to me is as important for my body as it is for my mental health, so it has always been something that is part of my life", she says, adding that she tries to do some sort of workout three times a week whether at home or in the gym, "I guess with the wedding around the corner i am more focused to be as fit mentally and physically as i can be."

When it comes to her day on a plate, there's one thing on Sam's mind as soon as she wakes up:

"I kick the day of with coffee, always. I find i get excited the night before just thinking about my morning coffee to come", she admits, "I am not really a breakfast kind of girl. Occasionally, i do enjoy a granola with yoghurt and fruit or dining out. My go-to is avo smash, poached eggs and a side of bacon, yum!"

For the mid-morning, Sam loves to snack on sugar snap peas, veggie sticks with homemade dip and fruit but her first main meal tends to be lunch:

"I always dream of being great at packing a studio lunch, so i consider myself a winner if i remember to bring these along with me", she says, "Chili tuna salad is a go to of mine! I really enjoy salads - i find you can have a lot of fun throwing all of your favourite ingredients in a bowl and creating something delicious. I also tend to mix in herbs and spices to add flavour. As my dad is anglo-indian i love spicy things. If i am really time poor tuna and rice is a go to. It makes it very easy to just throw in my bag to head to the studio and pick up a side salad somewhere nearby."

As the afternoon rolls around, coffee is calling once more:

"I tend to lean into another coffee around this time of day, but decaf. During COVID-19, i was baking, so i would sneak a cheeky muffin or cookie too", she says.

Whilst hot chips with chicken salt is her go-to "naughty" meal, dinner is usually sushi, chicken or steak with veggies:

"I try and keep it clean and healthy during the week, so i have some wiggle room on the weekend to enjoy the foods i really love."

However her husband-to-be is something of a whizz in the kitchen:

"Pat cooks an amazing chilli basil salmon which is healthy and delicious and we pair it with sauteed green beans and Brussel sprouts."

Since welcoming puppy Banksy into the family, his need for daily walks has proved to be the ultimate morning motivation, but that's not the only way Sam enjoys exercising:

"I have been lucky enough to work with so many incredible trainers in my time, so i have taken something different from each of them and applied it to my own workouts", she says, "Pat's brother Mike is actually a personal trainer and he has given me some great programs and techniques they use at "Soul Bay Strength Training" which i've been really enjoying lately."

Whilst she prefers making up her own workouts to see how far she can push herself, there is one fun form of exercise she can't get enough of:

"I love dancing so much, it is such a wonderful release and also a great form of fitness! I usually would do a show a week and rehearsals too and then there is always the occasional putting Beyoncé on at home and dancing around the living room of course. Poor Banksy!"

Credit: [X]

Monday, June 7, 2021

07/06/21 - Samantha Jade being interviewed on 9Honey's "You"

" Woke Up Like This": The unique ritual Samantha Jade starts her day with.

In our "I Woke Up Like This" series, 9Honey removes the filters from everyday life and bares all for a much-needed reality check.

Speaking to a range of people — from faces you know to faces you will want to know — we tear away the façade of make-up and social media and bring things back to basics with realistic 'I woke up like this' selfies and morning routines.

Today, we're 'waking up' with pop star Samantha Jade.

What time do you wake up?

"08 am is what my daily alarm is set for! But it is always changing depending on my schedule – I work around things like photoshoots, recordings or interviews."

How many alarms do you set?

"I always set two separate alarms. One is always 15 minutes before i really need to get up so i feel like i have a mini sleep in, haha"

Tea or coffee?

"Coffee always in the mornings!"

Television or radio, podcast or silence?

"Early in the morning, i love to enjoy the silence and ease into the day. Sometimes, i'll play music when i have a shower and get ready."

What do you eat for breakfast?

"I'm usually a coffee til lunch girl, but if i do have breakfast it's usually granola, fruit and yoghurt, it's one of my favourites."

How long does it take you to get out the door?

"I can be on the road in 30 minutes, i have learnt to get ready quick working in show business."

Any unusual morning rituals or habits?

"I always start the day with something my mum used to do and passed down to me. When i place my feet on the floor with one foot i say: "Thank" and the other "You". It's important to start the day with gratitude."

What's the one thing you never have time for in the morning?

"To pack a lunch! Especially if i'm in the studio all day. I always have this fantasy of my packing a nice salad or something, so i don't have to "Uber Eats". Ha! Never happens."

What's the one thing you always do in the morning?

"I always make the bed! It sets the tone of the day and is so lovely to come home to a tidy house."

Credit: [X]

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

02/06/21 - Samantha Jade being interviewed for the website ""

Samantha Jade’s game-changing mascara hack:

Samantha Jade spent her high school days feeling like she’d never get her bad skin under control. Fast forward to the present day and she’s become a household name; not just for her number one hits, but for consistently serving flawless beauty looks.

Which is why it came as no surprise that both her beauty collaborations with "Models Prefer" were complete sell-outs. 

Occasionally returning to a smokey eye when performing on stage, Samantha’s makeup style has increasingly softened over the years. “I have learnt less is more” she adds, citing “bronze dewy vibes” as her absolute go-to.

In this chat with "", Samantha takes us through the makeup trends she’s loving and the mascara-smudging hack we all need to hear. 

We touched on the trouble you had with your skin in high school. What’s your relationship like with your skin now?

“I realised i was using too many products, not washing my face properly and not drinking enough water! Now i feel i have learnt what works for my skin and my body. It’s important to remember you have to heal from the inside out, even when it comes to your skin.” 

What does your nighttime skin care routine look like?

“I used micellar water and then wash my face. Then i use a serum packed with hyaluronic acid followed by a night moisturiser and eye cream.”

What’s a current makeup trend you’re loving?

“I’m loving soap brows. I haven’t actually tried it yet but I love a full, natural-looking brow.” 

What’s the best makeup tip you’ve ever learnt?

“If you accidentally get mascara anywhere on your eyelid, wait until it dries then gently scratch it off. It just flakes off.”

Do you ever have low-key or makeup-free days? If so, what products do you use, if any?

“Absolutely. I use "Rationale’s SPF 50", which is slightly tinted and "Lanolips 101 Ointment" on my lips.”

 You can’t get your hands on the exact products Samantha uses, we recommend "Weleda Skin Food" and "SunSense Daily Face SPF 50+" for a similar result. 

When it comes to your own makeup, do you prefer neutral shades or pops of colour?

 “I'm a neutral girl! It's all about that sun-kissed bronze glow for me.”

Are there any unexpected ways you’ve been applying any of your makeup products?

“I sometimes use lipstick as a nice cheek stain. I find that it brings a nice glossy dewiness to the cheek.” 

Who’s your celebrity makeup muse?

“J.Lo! I love how she experiments, but her go-to look is always fresh, glowy and bronzy. My fave.”

Credit: [X]