Monday, December 14, 2020

14/12/20 - Samantha Jade being interviewed by the website ""

What do you love about Christmas?

I love being with my family, decorating the Christmas tree and singing carols.

Who are your favourite people to buy presents for?

My brothers’ girlfriends because they love Christmas as much as i do.

What’s the best present you’ve ever received?

A flight home to Perth. When I was living in the US, my mum and dad surprised me and flew me back.

If you could invite one famous person to Christmas lunch, who would you invite?

Beyónce, always.

What is your favourite Christmas carol?

"O Holy Night". It’s such a special song to me. The feeling encapsulates Christmas to me.

What’s the Christmas tradition you always look forward to?

Unwrapping the presents under the tree with my family, while my dad video tapes it all.

Credit: [X]

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