Monday, November 19, 2018

19/11/18 - Samantha Jade being interviewed for the website ""

Samantha Jade visits Penrhos college for "Salvos" Christmas appeal.

Budding songwriters from Penrhos college were treated to a visit from "The X Factor Australia" winner Samantha Jade as part of her visit to western Australia for "The Salvation Army" Christmas appeal.

Samantha Jade performed three songs in front of Penrhos college students at their courtyard, followed by a visit to the year 9 music class yesterday morning.

Jade said Penrhos college was the only school involved in her visit to western Australia as part of the "Salvos" Christmas appeal this year:

“They do a lot of work with the "Red Shield" and with "Salvos" and i just wanted to give back and have a little sing with them”, she said, “I think it’s great, especially for young girls, it’s very important to learn that giving is just as important, if not more, than anything else in life.”

Music teacher Catherine Clarnette said it was fantastic for the girls to hear advice from a professional singer songwriter in the midst of their current project:

“The year 9's have just been doing a hands-on industry project where they write and record their own original songs and we thought it would be perfect for them to see Samantha Jade”, she said, “For her to talk on what she’s doing and what music meant to her was very meaningful for them.”

Ms Clarnette said it was a special event for the Year 9 music students as Jade spoke just to them as a class:

“They appreciate having that special appearance, guest speakers usually speak to a larger audience”, she said.

Jade said she asked to be involved in the Christmas appeal again and to visit Perth, her hometown for this tour:

“Last year, i was involved in the Christmas appeal, this is my second year as ambassador for the Salvos”, she said, “I want people to know it’s so easy to help, so easy to give.”

Donations for "The Salvation Army" Christmas appeal can be made here.

Credit: [X]

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