Monday, November 5, 2018

05/11/18 - Samantha Jade being interviewed for the website ""

Samantha Jade Christmas song inspired by "Salvos".  

"Salvationists" have teamed up with singer-songwriter Samantha Jade to record a bonus track on her new Christmas album, "The Magic Of Christmas".
The song, "This Candle Time Of Year" was inspired by the work of the "Salvos". With lyrics such as: "Hope begins when fear fades, it brings a new day...Let the candle burn bright, light the flame and share the light; the song is a beautiful Christmas anthem and testament to the work of "The Salvation Army", especially at Christmas:
“[This Candle Time Of Year] has that sentiment of "hope" and looking forward to things”, Samantha told "The Salvation Army", “Hope is one of those words that i think runs so deep with people. For me, personally, i know when my mum was unwell, when she was sick with cancer, i mean, it’s all we lived on: Hope. That word means so much to me because it truly is a reason to live, to have hope.”
Menai "Salvation Army" youth pastor, Tristan Bray, was one of those in "The Salvation Army" choir who provided backing vocals to the song. He says it was a beautiful experience:
“Samantha Jade is a phenomenal vocalist and a really nice person”, he said, “She came in and we chatted through the heart behind the song and the spirit of Christmas. The song, if you can describe it in one word, it’s "hope". It’s all about the hope that is brought by Christmas joy.”

Seeing the work of "The Salvation Army" has inspired Samantha to volunteer for the organisation and help spread joy across the country during the festive season. At the end of november, she will travel to her home state of western Australia with the "Salvos" to tour and give her time at a number of "Salvation Army" services, bringing hope to people in need:
“I feel extremely proud to be affiliated with "The Salvation Army" for another year as their Christmas ambassador. The work that they do for families in need throughout the year and especially during the festive season is remarkable and extremely moving. The spirit of Christmas should be shared with all and i’m so pleased to help the Salvos achieve this.”
For Tristan, Christmas is a wonderful opportunity to immerse people in the reality of Jesus, his love, his hope and his joy: 

“There’s 11 months of the year when some people do it quite tough, physically, emotionally, mentally and physically, but Christmas is that one time of year where our society is almost, in a way, forced to love each other”, he said, “It’s called the season of joy and for me personally, that song really speaks into and encourages that spirit of togetherness, love and hope and joy. It’s a great song.”
"The Magic Of Christmas" can be found on iTunes and Spotify.

Credit: [X]

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