Tuesday, July 19, 2016

20/07/16 - Samantha Jade being interviewed for the website "DailyTelegraph.com.au"

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London calling for singer Samantha Jade.

Samantha Jade is giving the UK a crack, with the singer relocating to London for six months next year.

The popular singer will relocate to London for six months next year.

It’s good timing given her recent stint on television soap "Home And Away", which is huge over there:

“I want to commit time to being there”, she said, “I’m going to take the plunge and move there for a little while. I’ll go over and write and record. You need to be in the circles and learn the industry.”

Jade, who’ll perform at "Arq" club on saturday night, recently spent a few weeks in the UK working on new music, which inspired her to make the move. She has been suggested as a good fit to represent Australia at next year’s "Eurovision" song contest, following Guy Sebastian and Dami Im:

“There’s a lot of pressure since Dami and Guy did so well, but i’d love to represent Australia”,
she said.

Credit: [X]

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