Tuesday, July 19, 2016

19/07/16 - Samantha Jade being interviewed for the website "StarObserver.com.au"

Samantha Jade to perform at "Midwinta" ball.

There’s more to being a gay icon than just glitter, sequins and big hair. And it’s a role that Samantha Jade takes seriously.

When the "Firestarter" singer heard about the Orlando shooting tragedy, she made it a priority to organise a series of performances at some Australia’s biggest gay hotspots – including a special fundraiser at Brisbane’s "Fluffy" club and a performance at "Midwinta" ball in Melbourne:

“I was devastated”, Jade tells the "StarObserver.com.au“ website, "It was so sad and intense – it just affects you and you really do start to think about your life, how short it is and how much you need to love and support one another. It really hit quite hard.”

Describing the gay community as some of her biggest supporters, Jade says she feels it is her place to stand up for them on issues like marriage equality and to honour those who lost their lives in the Orlando shooting.

But she is still unsure what it is that makes her so popular with the community.

“I don’t know why”, she says, with a laugh, "I feel like the gay community, for me, the audiences are different – they’re really appreciative of you know, great choreography and how hard you work on stage, and even when you hit a high note. I think there’s a different appreciation there. I’m not sure what it is, but i’m happy to have it.”

The "Midwinta" ball has gone on to become a key event in the LGBTI community over the past two years – with this year’s event promising to be bigger than ever.

All money raised goes to fostering the development of aspiring talent at "Midsumma" festival.

Gretel Killeen will host the event, and a number of other big celebrity names will be hosting tables, including Chrissie Swan.

The "Midwinta" ball is on at the "Crown Palladium" in Melbourne on july 29th 2016. You can book tickets from the "Midwinta" Ball website.

Read our full interview with Samantha Jade in the August issue of "Star Observer" newspaper.

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