Saturday, March 5, 2016

05/03/16 - Samantha Jade being interviewed for the website ""

Live: Sydney gay and lesbian Mardi Gras 2016.

A glittering celebration of love and pride, the 2016 Sydney gay and lesbian Mardi Gras parade is nearly here.

Mardi Gras veteran, pop star Samantha Jade, is a firm believer in equal rights, unequivocally supporting marriage equality:

“I cannot believe that in Australia, a country that’s ahead in so many ways, we’re so behind on this (issue)”, she said, "People should be free to love who they want to love and take that to the next level and get married if they want”, "The X Factor Australia" alumni said, ahead of her performance tonight.

Jade is taking part in her fourth Mardi Gras tonight, but it’s her first time in the parade.

Atop "The Star’s Shine Bright" float, the 28 year old will be performing singles "Firestarter" and "Only Just Begun" in a "Studio Paris" costume designed especially her.

Tonight’s parade is touted as one of the biggest yet and the parade begins at 07.45pm at the southern end of "Hyde" park.

Credit: [X]

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