Friday, September 19, 2014

19/09/14 - Samantha Jade being interviewed for the website ""

Samantha Jade to rock festival.

Jet lag has become the new norm for Perth’s pint-size pop starlet Samantha Jade.

"The X Factor Australia" 2012 winner has lost count of how many times she’s embarked on the gruelling flight to Los Angeles this year to write and record her second sophomore album.

Nearing its final stages, Jade hopes the new songs will be ready for a Christmas release:

“We’re not far off, we’re putting the finishing touches on it so it shouldn’t take too long”, she told "".

Writing and recording the album has been a cathartic process for the 27-year-old following the passing of her mother Jacqui Gibbs in june:

“It’s hard to write about personal experience because it brings it all back up again but it’s also a kind of therapy,” she said, “There’s going to be some heartfelt ballads on there. It’s about the journey i’ve been through since "The X Factor Australia" win.”

Jade will return home today ahead of rocking the runway for "Target"’s "Telstra" Perth fashion festival showcase tomorrow.

“It’s always great to be home for me and i love Perth fashion festival”, the "Firestarter" singer revealed, “It’s fun to be involved with such an iconic australian retailer as "Target", especially for the Dannii Minogue collection and her petites range, because it’s so hard for me to find anything that fits.”

While she won’t be performing any new tracks at the show, Jade is looking forward to getting up close and personal with her many fans:

“I wouldn’t be here without their support and i know that”, she said, “It’s because of them buying my records and coming to my shows that i get to do this as a job — they mean a lot to me.”

The pop princess will venture back to Los Angeles once more after the Perth fashion festival to complete her forthcoming album before returning to Perth in november to headline "The Court"’s "Pride Street Party":

“I’m always happy to support anything happening in my home town and that’s just going to be so fun”, she enthused, “I’ve heard that it’s such a good night and i’ve been to "The Court" many a time. It will be fun because we’re going to go all out with costumes, hair, make-up and even the tracks.”

Credit: [X]

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