Monday, May 30, 2022

30/05/22 - Samantha Jade being interviewed for the website ''Yahoo!Lifestyle''

"The Celebrity Apprentice Australia's" Samantha Jade on the scenes she "hated" filming.

"The Celebrity Apprentice Australia's" Samantha Jade has revealed the scenes she "hated" shooting while filming the show last year, with the singer revealing it felt "very foreign" to her.

The 35-year-old singer spoke to "Yahoo!Lifestyle" about her time on the show, revealing the toughest part about filming:

"It is hard being produced", she told us, "That i found tough because whenever i do appear on television, i am, you know, either performing my music or talking about my songs or something i'm really passionate about it, whether it's a brand partnership or, you know, a charity that I'm working with. It's always something i'm really passionate about and love. And it's just like, whatever comes out of my mouth is from the heart", she continued, "This was so different because you're kind of being asked to like relive the day and like, you know, always answer the question with the question, like just little things like that, I was like: "Oh God! And the producers have to do it for the confessionals, they have to be like: "And who do you think should be fired this week?". And that stuff I'm like: "Oh my God, i'm so not that person to throw people under the bus. And it's just not in my nature. That was very foreign to me", Samantha added,"i hated doing stuff like that."

She also laughed while comparing the boardroom scenes to "being called into the principal's office when you've done something really wrong and you're in big trouble".

When asked if she'd ever consider trying another reality show like "I'm A Celebrity...Get Me Out Of Here!", the singer was quick to shut that idea down:

"I don't think so, no", she said, "Like, this was intense, i had no idea what to expect and it was hard, it was really hard. It's like nothing i've ever done before and i don't know if i'm the right person for reality television, i don't think i have it in me to do another show", then added with a laugh.

Samantha did add that she received some tips from her co-star Beck Zemeck: 

"She really understands reality television, which is a whole other beast", she explained, "She really understood it more than any of us did, even Gamble [Breaux]. I think Beck understood it on another level – what it entails and what it's like and how hard it is. She was even giving me pointers that were really helpful."

Samantha also shared that the feedback she's been receiving since being on the show was "mind-blowing":

"When i see some people comment or, you know, people write to you – because that's the one thing when you're on reality television – the people that come out of the woodwork to tell you their opinion is mind-blowing! And so many people are just like: "I would never do this, i would never do that" and i'm like: "No, you probably would!". You have no idea like you're in a pressure cooker!"

However, the singer shared that she was happy to do it all to support her chosen charity the "Cancer Council" after losing her mother to the disease, adding:

"They really are an incredible charity to get behind."

Credit: [X]

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