Tuesday, July 6, 2021

06/07/21 - Samantha Jade being interviewed for the website "BodyAndSoul.com.au"

Five little things Samantha Jade does to look after her mental health

Speaking her truth on all things wellbeing.

Samantha Jade opens up about how she manages her emotional and mental wellbeing and why self care is so important. 

My journey with mental health has been an important contributor to my overall performance and success in my career. When i’m not on the road, performing, creating music or attending events, I find myself taking care of the important things – that being my mental health.

I enjoy slowing down from the craziness of the entertainment industry and becoming mindful of what matters, that being, tending to what makes me feel good. Through challenging times, i find starting the day with gratitude is extremely important, and positive affirmations really work for me. By putting self-care at the top of my to-do list, i find even the most challenging tasks become easy to deal with and at the end of the day, i can achieve my daily goals with ease.

My top 5 tip’s for "beating the blues" include:

#1 Vitamins

I like adding additional healthy substances to my diet to ensure i get the nutrients i need.

One supplement i add to my diet is "Ashwaganda" tea (I like organic India) – it helps reduce anxiety, stress and alleviate symptoms of depression. Lately, i’ve included gummies by "Goli" which maintain my energy levels and supports immunity which overall makes me feel at my healthiest.

#2 Oil diffuser

When winding down after a busy day, i always include lavender drops in my oil diffuser which helps me rest and relax so much easier. Throughout the day, i find adding drops of orange chamomile and rose oil creates a soothing environment – perfect when trying to remain calm and noble throughout busy meetings.

#3 Headspace app

One of the quickest ways i find to destress and relax is "The Headspace" app. I absolutely love it! If i can’t fall asleep, or if i’m exhausted during the day and need a bit of rejuvenation, i’ll listen to one of the many meditation sounds which simply puts me at ease.

#4 Staying active

Working out is so important and its embedded within my daily routine for mental clarity. I find that working out is really helpful to keep my mental health in a good place.

I also make sure that if i’m feeling a little scattered and tired, i do a quick 15-minute workout to connect back to my body. During lockdown I bought my furry friend – Banksy who has been a wonderful addition to the family. Dogs are great for mental health, and taking Banksy for a walk or just cuddling him when things get out of control is so good for me.

#5 Talking about it

Talking about it! I sometimes feel there is a stigma around anxiety and people feel as if they shouldn’t speak about their problems or worries. Whereas what i feel has worked best for me is talking with a friend about anything that’s troubling me and taking advice from them on what works.

I’ve adopted many little tips and tricks for dealing with and overriding mental health woes, and i’ve found through conversation that many people have had or do have anxiety – and it’s nothing to be ashamed of.

Credit: [X]

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