Sunday, March 14, 2021

14/03/21 - Samantha Jade being interviewed on 9Honey's "Coach"

Samantha Jade's day on a plate.

"It's definitely important to eat healthy and be good to your body, but a little bit of chocolate won't hurt anybody".

Samantha Jade is a busy woman. Even through a pandemic that forced the cancellation of a number of her live shows and the postponement of her wedding to fiancé Pat Handlin, twice, the 33-year-old singer still managed to lock in studio time, get a "Covid puppy" and maintain a healthy way of life, where balance (and a little bit of baking) was key.

Recently we spoke to Sammi to find out what her typical day on a plate looks like and you'll be surprised to know it's a delicious mix of coffee (always), Sirena chilli tuna (same!) and barbequing with her her soon-to-be-hubby.


"Coffee is my first thing of the day, always. I love my coffee. I literally get excited the night before about it. I've never been a massive breakfast person, unless we're going out for breakfast. But usually for me it's just yoghurt with granola and fruit — I love that. But if i go out for breakfast i'll always order the avocado toast with a side of poached eggs and maybe some bacon."

Mid-morning snacks

"On a typical day, if i'm working i'll push through to lunch, but if i do snack i'll have fruit or maybe some pea snaps — I love them! If i'm in the studio I'll definitely bring some of those with me because i forget to eat when I'm in the studio in the zone."


"I love salads, which a lot of people don't, but i really enjoy it. I like to make it myself because i enjoy making big exciting salads. So I'll do tuna — chilli tuna is my favourite. If I make it I'll make it with herbs and spices — my dad is anglo-indian so i've learnt a lot about how to make spicy stuff — or i'll just have a can of tuna, Sirena chilli tuna, which is so good and so easy because if i'm in the studio and i don't have time i'll just pick one of those cans up and buy a nice salad and then i'll add walnuts, salt and vinegar, tomato and maybe pumpkin if i'm making it at home alone."

Afternoon snacks

"I'll probably have another coffee, decaf. If i get snacky I'll definitely do my coffee and maybe a muffin. When i was in lockdown i was baking, so i would have something like that with a coffee, maybe, but not always."


"If i'm in the studio, i'll try to make it home for dinner at an okay hour, depending on how the session is going, but Pat [Handlin] is really good at barbecuing, he is amazing at it. So we'll have a steak or he'll do meat on the barbie and we'll usually do roast veggies, or he'll make a salmon, which he is really really good at too, or we'll do a chicken. But it's usually protein of some sort and vegetables. We try not to do carbs after 05-06pm, "we try" is the important part there, but if we do have carbs it will be brown rice or something healthy."


"I'm a chocolate girl! There is not one night that i don't feel like chocolate and that is my thing, even when i was training really, really hard. I love working out, but if i'm in the studio i'm so into that i don't have the time so i always make sure we do a 30-minute walk with the puppy every morning — I definitely get some kind of exercise in every day, but chocolate is something through all of those things I will have at night. I'll have a few squares of chocolate with my tea — I usually have a sleepy tea, it really just relaxes me for the day. It's the little joys like that. [Chocolate] brings me joy. I get excited for that moment at night. I learnt young with big things in my life, like losing my mum, it's definitely important to eat healthy and be good to your body and that's very true, but a little bit of chocolate won't hurt anybody, it's all about being consistent, you got to have balance!"

Credit: [X]

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