Sunday, September 22, 2019

22/09/19 - Samantha Jade being interviewed for the website ""

"It became therapy for me": Samantha Jade reveals how music is her salvation.

''It’s just kind of always been for me, the release that people need.”

Like many of us, singer Samantha Jade has suffered her fair share of ups and downs over the years - both personally and professionally.

And with her new album promising to be the "most honest and raw" yet, Samantha is revealing how music has helped her get through the toughest of blows:

"I think it's always been my go-to", Samantha, whose new single "Bounce" has just dropped, tells "". Even going back to my childhood, like my parents were always singing in the house and always listened to music and really talked about the meaning behind songs. When i started to write and sing, it became even more of a therapy for me because i could express myself through music. It's just kind of always been for me, the release that people need. Some people get that through playing sport or going to therapy and speaking about it and for me, it really is through song."

But it's not just music that has offered Samantha solace during difficult times.

As well as being extremely close to her family, Samantha has formed some close bonds in the industry - including a high-profile friendship with Guy and Jules Sebastian.

Samantha explains she randomly met Guy in a recording studio in Sweden. At the time, they were based in Los Angeles and quickly struck up a firm friendship:

"We were just kind of friends through the industry and then i met Jules and me and Jules just clicked and we've been close ever since. And now i've known them over 10 years."

Admitting LA can be a harsh environment, Sammi says she was grateful to have the Sebastians in her life:

"Before i knew them, i was there for quite a while and didn't have as many friends", she confesses, "Then when i met them, it was like, for the both of us, we were just like attached to the hip - we used to do so much together. You just get each other."

Guy was also Samantha's mentor on "The X Factor Australia", which she won way back in 2012.

The star has come full circle when it comes to her reality television roots. She performed her new single on this year's "Australia's Got Talent" finale:

"I haven't had a TV performance in a while so it was so exciting when we were told we were getting that moment", she says of filming the performance, she adds: "This performance, i'm so proud of it. It's so cool the colours, the screen content, the choreograph - we truly had an absolute ball up on stage, me and the dancers. I think that that really shows. I think that's why people will enjoy it because you can tell we're having so much fun, which makes everyone have fun watching it."

Credit: [X]

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