Sunday, June 4, 2017

04/06/17 - Samantha Jade being interviewed for the website ""

Singer Samantha Jade reveals her heartache and tears over the death of her mother

Pop star Samantha Jade may lead a glammed-up, jetsetting lifestyle, but "The X FactorAustralia" winner has told of the grief, loss and pain she still felt from her mum’s death three years ago.

London-based pop star Samantha Jade may lead a glammed-up, jetsetting lifestyle, but "The X Factor Australia" winner has heart-achingly opened up about the grief, loss and pain she still felt from her mum’s death three years ago.

Speaking intimately at a brunch at "The Butler" in "Potts Point" for the launch of her second super popular collaboration with "Priceline" pharmacy’s "Models Prefer" range, the gorgeous pint-sized performer revealed how she still struggled with losing her mum, Jacqueline, to cancer in 2014 — having a moment which brought her to tears:

“It’s still hard. To be honest just this last week i had this moment i just couldn’t stop crying”, the brave singer candidly revealed, sharing she was at "Sony Music Australia" headquarters when the overwhelming sense of grief hit:

“I actually was at "Sony" and it’s never happened to me before. I just thought i can’t do it. I can’t push through”, the singer said, “They’re such an amazing team. I’m so blessed. [Sony boss] Dennis [Handlin] is a family man — he’s such a dad. So it comes down through the entire team. They’re all such family people. The took me in an "Uber" to my apartment and kept sending me over things asking if I needed anything.”

The "INXS: Never Tear Us Apart" actress, whose new single "Circles On The Water" was also released last friday, said she still missed her mum terribly, especially with this being a milestone year. Party planning just isn’t the same:

“And it’s going to be three years. It’s a really long time not to have a mum. It’s just …. my brothers are so young. My brother is 21 this year. I’m 30 this year. They’re big birthdays not to have your mum at. They’re milestones”, she said, “I’ve been doing party planning. And i’m exactly like my mum. I would’ve turned into her. You’re doing something…you know, i’ll be planning getting everything ready and i’m like: "Oh my God, she’s not here" and you still think she’s here. That doesn’t go away. Even the other day, my brother and i were talking about some story and i was like: "Remember i sang a song there" and i couldn’t remember it and he couldn’t remember it and the only person i could ask was my mum. But you can’t. That’s the hardest thing.”

Jade, whose new single is a slight departure from pure pop and moves into a more ethereal direction, said the only positive for her was she had gained strength:

“The one thing i’ve taken from it, is once you’ve faced this, you don’t fear anything.”

Mother’s Day is still exceptionally tough for the singer who moved to London last year. In fact, she doesn’t think she will be able to celebrate the day again until she becomes a mother herself:

“That’s something in my future for sure (having kids)”, she said, “And then i can finally celebrate mother’s day again. I spent it with my dad and my brothers. That’s the toughest day of all. There’s cards and presents everywhere. It’s the hardest day. Christmas is tough. But it’s better than mother’s day. Mother’s day is just so tough. You can’t avoid it, so you have to deal, which i do. But i think when i do become a mother myself, it will be a new celebration.”

Jade said she still believed her mother was nearby. Even if she can’t speak to her:

“You have to believe in something. If someone that close to you passes. You feel things. You feel it. There are so many things that have happened to me that i feel like i can’t explain...i’ve felt it. You have to believe that otherwise there’s nothing”, she said.

Acting as mum to her two younger brothers heals the pain, she admitted:

“I’m so like a mummy. My brothers are seven and nine years younger than me. They’re like my babies. I’m obsessed with them. I love them to death”, she said, “Just last weekend my brother wanted to redo his room and he was like: "Sam, i need your help". He’s in Perth. He’s like: "I don’t know what to do". So i jumped on a plane. And went home and redid his whole room. We were in Perth "Ikea". Then i flew back…being busy is good it does take your mind off things because you have no other choice.”

Jade decided to move to London as it was time:

“I love to live in different places. I lived in Los Angeles for seven years and it was time for another move”, she said.

There’s only one problem. The lack of good aussie coffee:

“I live in Kensington. But i drive to Notting Hill every day just to get Bill Granger’s coffee at "Granger & Co". I am literally obsessed with it. I need my aussie coffee.”

Credit: [X]

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