Sunday, November 6, 2016

06/11/16 - Samantha Jade being interviewed on ""

Run Geelong event 2016: Samantha Jade chats all things career and fitness ahead of her performance.

This year’s Run Geelong experience is set to be bigger and better than ever with the launch of a new finish line entertainment precinct headlined by "ARIA Music Award" winner Samantha Jade.

The "Addy Gossip Girls" caught up with the singer, songwriter and actor ahead of her live waterfront performance.

You’ll be in town for this year’s Run Geelong, have you spent much time in the region before?

Yes i’m so excited. I’ve only been there once or twice before and the people are always so lovely and welcoming.

What first drew you to the event?

I have done a few "Cotton On Run" shows and have enjoyed them all, so i was delighted to be asked back.

Do you consider yourself to be much of a runner?

I do a lot of running around on stage, haha.

What is your preferred form of exercise?

I love dancing and minimal exercise. I can’t say i’ve ever enjoyed the gym.

What is your pre-workout meal of choice?

Just chicken and veggies and a lot of water.

Which songs or artists make up your ultimate exercise playlist?

Beyonce! Beyonce! Beyonce!

Do you plan on cheering on some of the Run Geelong competitors?

Of course. I love seeing people give it their all, especially for such a great cause.

Do you have a message for the participants?

Good luck everyone and enjoy yourselves.

What can audiences expect from your set at the event?

It’s high energy and lots of fun. I love getting them up to dance so we might even hold a dance competition.

Do you have any pre-show rituals?

Not really. I always take a second to make sure i’m grateful for being able to perform for a crowd.

How are the album preparations going?

It’s going well. I’ve been writing in London and it’s so inspiring there. It’s quite different because i have always made my records in LA or Australia, so it’s a different vibe and i’m very excited about it.

This week, you released your new song "Hurt Anymore" in collaboration with Cyrus Villanueva, tell us a bit about the track.

I know, i’m so excited. It’s actually a sad song — it’s about when you know you’re not in love anymore and the relationship is ruining you, so it’s time to get out.

More recently you have been branching out into some acting roles, do you have a preference when it comes to performing live or on screen?

I love them both. Singing is obviously my first love, but the more roles i take on, the more i love acting.

Tell us a bit about your new role in the upcoming series "House Of Bond".

It’s a very small role, but it’s been so much fun to play and be a part of such a great show.

What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?

My mum always told me to be grateful for what you have, because there will always be a time that life will test you and you’ll need to remember that.

Credit: [X]

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