Saturday, August 6, 2016

06/08/16 - Samantha Jade being interviewed for the website ""

Perth’s Samantha Jade sets sights on London, like Kylie Minogue before her.

Kylie Minogue, Natalie Imbruglia and Sia have all made the move and now it’s Samantha Jade’s turn to take on London.

The Perth-born pop princess is taking up all the western Australia lifestyle she can in preparation for her big move to the UK:

“I just feel like i’ve had so much fun and an incredible time in Australia and have been so lucky”, Jade said while walking along what was her late mother’s favourite beach – Cottesloe, “I don’t want to give up on Australia, I just want to go over there and see how it goes before i’m 30. Before i move on to the next part of my life and maybe settle down and have kids, i want to know that i did everything i could have done.”

The 29-year-old plans on starting her six-month stint before her birthday in april, but said the long trip would not stop her making regular trips back to the family home in Morley.

But Jade said it would be stupid if she didn’t try to follow in the footsteps of Minogue and the other pop stars before her:

“The Kylie thing is a big factor – she did so well in the UK and people obviously compare me to her”, she said, "I actually spoke to Dannii (Minogue) about moving and she was like: "Go for it girl" and so supportive and so nice and has given me some great contacts.”

There are a few things Jade needs to tick off the list before she does make the international trek and along with a string of new music, her role in the upcoming Alan Bond bio series – "House Of Bond" – is due to hit the small screen in the coming months.

Though she plays only a small part, the strong local connection meant it was one she couldn’t turn down:

“Obviously, it was a scandalous time – the life of Alan Bond – but i think it’s portrayed in the right way”, Jade said, "It was really funny because one of the days we shot in Sydney, it was the coldest day they have had in 20 years and it was meant to be Christmas day in Perth. My lips were blue, i was shaking and it was meant to be Christmas in Perth – the hottest day of the year.”

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