Sunday, May 22, 2016

23/05/16 - Samantha Jade being interviewed for the website ""

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"Awareness and the sisterhood are really important to me": Samantha Jade to sing at "Pink Hope" gala.

Supporting "Pink Hope’s Pinky Promise" campaign was a no-brainer for Samantha Jade and she even roped in best friends and housemates Amanda Deller and Samantha Fairfull.

It was a no-brainer for Samantha Jade to put her name to the latest "Pink Hope" initiative.

The singer and actor posed for a series of beautiful images with best friends and housemates Amanda Deller and Samantha Fairfull to support "Pink Hope’s Pinky Promise" campaign, encouraging women to take control of their health:

“Cancer is something that has affected me and my family so closely, awareness and the sisterhood is really important to me”, she said, “I’m happy to support anything that is for cancer and especially for women.”

Jade, whose mother Jacqui Gibbs died of cancer in 2014, will also perform at the annual "Pink Hope" gala at "The Star" casino on june 17th 2021.

"Pink Hope" was founded by Sydney mum Krystal Barter, who herself underwent a preventive double mastectomy as a carrier of the BRCA gene. The charity aims to raise funds and awareness for preventive breast and ovarian health.

Jade, 29, said her mother’s battle with cancer had inspired her to be more proactive with her own health:

“The first thing i did after i came back from a family holiday and grieved for a few months heavily was go straight to a check-up because that was something my mum wanted me to do”, Jade explained, “It is important to make sure everything is ok and i am so cautious now.”

Credit: [X]

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