Sunday, January 20, 2013

21/01/13 - Samantha Jade being interviewed for the website ""

 What Australia day means to Samantha Jade.

Like many of her showbiz peers, "The X Factor Australia" Samantha Jade knows what it's like to still call Australia home.

As a teenager, Jade and her family relocated to America in an attempt to launch her pop career.

But when her dreams were dashed - only to be realised by taking a final shot at stardom via "The X Factor Australia" - Jade couldn't wait to get back home to Perth:

"Australia day to me means coming together and being proud to be Australian" Jade said, "That's easy because we live in the best country in the World. So Australia day is just that moment of appreciating that we're australian and we're so lucky to call ourselves australian.

Credit: [X]

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