Monday, October 26, 2015

27/10/15 - Samantha Jade being interviewed for the website ""

Samantha Jade may only be a relatively new face in the australian music industry, but she has been heavily entrenched in the american pop scene for years, signing to "Jive Records" in her teens, before a slew of setbacks saw her return to Australia and quit music. She chats to "" about her years in the industry, what sparked her drive and stepping into the smallest shoes in the industry, those of Kylie Minogue in the miniseries "INXS: Never Tear Us Apart".

Prior to entering "The X Factor Australia", you’d already been heavily in the industry, from a young age. What drove you towards this so early?

I always, always loved to sing, my whole life and i just got a very lucky opportunity to play Louisa in the "Sound Of Music" in Perth and i loved it. That’s when i thought: “I want this to be my job”. That’s when i took it really seriously and it just became a whole different thing. From there i got signed when i was 15, so young, so i sort of fell into it. But with the opportunities i had, i thought: “Why not take advantage of all of this?”

Did it feel like the process was moving too quickly, because you were young, or slowly, because of all the eventual hold-ups?

At different ages, there were different feelings. When i was younger, i just worked really, really hard and didn’t have any other thought, i only knew to work hard. That was all i knew, that was my life and i was fully in the industry. You know, you can sing and do music and you can be “in the industry” and they are totally different things, so my head was “industry” and just working hard – singing every day and if you’re not singing, then working on singing and working on being better. Then, at 21, i lost my deal, so when i was around that age, i thought “Oh no, has this all been a waste of time?”. But then, when i went on "The X Factor Australia", thank God i’d done all that, because it just became the best training you could ever have had.

And you were very young when you signed to an american major label. Did you have any previous idea of what that world was about?

No. I loved music and i loved pop and i knew some producers’ names, but not at all. I’m from Perth, we don’t even have the kind of industry that even Sydney has, you know? So, i didn’t really know that kind of world.

And it was performing in a musical that made you want to be involved in music. Did you originally want to follow that path, before you got signed and deemed a pop artist?

I kinda did because i did school plays and all that stuff, but i always wrote music. Not actual music, but lyrics and melodies, i had this keyboard that my cousin left at my house and i started writing and i kinda knew that pop was going to be my thing. I knew i wanted to be a pop singer but i knew it was going to be a hard transition.

After "The X Factor Australia" was there the feeling that things were back on track, or did it feel like a different thing altogether?

No, that was when i was like: “Oh, okay, thank God it worked out.” Before that, i had given up on music completely.

What were you doing at that time?

I was working with my dad, in a mining warehouse.


Totally different thing, but i need that, i needed to leave Los Angeles and Hollywood and that whole vibe and i needed to come home and i needed to be with family and i needed to be completely out of that, to be able to love it again. I’d lost my love for music because it was such a job and such a soul-destroying process at the end. I needed to go back to where it all started, which was loving to sing. So when i went on "The X Factor Australia", that was when i rediscovered my love for it.

It does have a lot of live performance elements as well. It’s show business in a more traditional sense.

Exactly! ‘Cause i was a studio artist. I was in the studio all the time, writing and recording. It is very different to performing live.

It’s building not performing.

Exactly. And for a singer, the best part is always just singing live.

And after not doing that from 15 to 21. That’s six years of being in a studio.

And i never got to actually show the public. Which is who you want to get to, obviously: the people and it was always the industry people, the gateholders and all that stuff. And that’s always harder, so it was nice to actually get feedback from people.

Were you ever scared of Hollywood or Los Angeles? You were thrown in early and it’s a big machine.

I didn’t have that feeling when i was younger because you know when you’re, like, 15? I wish i was 15 again because you’re so confident and it’s all new.

The world is "Disneyland".

“Oh my God, look, it’s amazing.” Exactly. I was in that mind-frame, so i never got scared of it. But at the end, Hollywood’s a great place when you’re doing well. Then when you’re not, it’s a really, really cold, harsh place to be. So at the end there I just wanted to get out. I was done with it.

And what are your feelings now, a few years removed from it?

I don’t miss living in Los Angeles. I went back there a few months ago and i was only there for a week and i had a totally different feeling about the city and everything. I think living there is totally different to visiting. I will never live there again.

Where are you based now?

Sydney. Perth will always be home. I have all my family there, j still have the house i grew up in there. I miss it a lot. I try to get home at least once a month.

So, Kylie Minogue.

[Hushed] I know!

How did that come about? There are obvious similarities, were you scouted for that role?

They asked me to audition and i said to my management: “Are you sure, everything’s going good right now, i don’t want to wreck anything” and they were like: “No, no, no, just go” so i went in, got a few callbacks, then found out i got the role. But i was a little nervous to play her because of all the comparisons. But i think playing an australian icon is such an honour, why wouldn’t you take it? And i’m obviously playing a part and that’s going to show.

Did the acting side of things make you nervous, or was it exciting?

I’m excited now, i was really, really nervous before my first day of shooting – i was freaking out. But i actually really love it. I think i’ve kinda gotten the acting bug they say you get. I get it. I get why it’s fun.

It’s a whole different form of collaboration too, which must be fun?

Yes! And there’s no singing in the role, which i’m really proud of. I really like that.

How much research did you do into Kylie’s life?

I watched a lot of interviews because obviously i have to play her but there’s not a lot on her and Michael – she doesn’t really speak about it. She’s very vague about it. I watched her concerts, read how she answered questions [in interviews] and what she is like.

Were you worried the film might take precedence over your pop career, or at the least, halt it briefly.

No, i think it’s going to be another great element in building a career. Plus, i’m such a small role in the film.

How’s the shooting schedule going?

I’ve actually only got one scene left and i’m shooting it tomorrow. So it’s nearly done. It’s gotten easier. I’m comfortable with the director and the actors and the set. Once you become comfortable in the atmosphere, it’s just easier. It’s not easy, but it’s easier.

Musically, what are you listening to at the moment?

I always listen to Beyonce. She’s my queen of all queens, i’ve been listening to a lot of Frank Ocean. A lot of old stuff, old r&b. Lana Del Rey, i’ve been listening to because i’m in songwriting mode and studio mode, it’s good to have your ears open to everything. She’s amazing, she’s a great writer and she’s been in the industry for years. Years. I heard about her years ago and she’s changed her whole look and everything.

You must relate to her long stint in the industry working hard, before she “popped out of nowhere.”

I know. When i got signed, Chris Brown got signed, a year after i did. I went to his showcase, we shared a showcase, we both sang and then his record came out and blew up and obviously, mine didn’t – but it’s weird how you know these people from so far back, they’ve been in the industry for years and years trying to make it.

What do you think would have happened had your record blown up when you were 16? How would you have handled it, do you think?

I don’t know. I mean and i can only say this now, but i’m very happy it’s happened now because i don’t know. I think i would have been different. I’m glad i had that time to go back and work with my dad and have that life. I’m actually really happy i did that because i can appreciate stuff a lot more now.

It’s almost like a gap year.

Exactly. Because I never had that. I left and didn’t go to my school ball. Little things, but those things matter, you know? So, i think i had a nice time going: “I need to have a second” because i know what it feels like to have nothing. It’s nice.

Do you think it has informed your career decisions? As in, you know the traps, and that when you sign on to something, it may not materalise for five years, if at all?

Yeah. Still, even when i was talking about this single ["Firestarter"] coming out, i have such a fear that it’s not actually going to come out because that happened to me for so long, I did all this press in the States about my album: “I’ve got an album coming out” and it never did. So that’s always going to be a fear in the back of my head.

Does it make it harder to appreciate things, like: “This can all be pulled away?"

Yeah, that’s always a fear for me. Always. That it’s all going to be taken away from me any second.

That’s a shame.

I know. It’s terrible. I’m working on it.

Credit: [X]

26/10/15 - Samantha Jade being interviewed for the website ""

Samantha Jade making Christmas visit to Narellan.

"Christmas In Narellan" will welcome more than just festive cheer this year when pop sensation Samantha Jade makes her appearance.

The singer, who made a name for herself winning the 2012 season of "The X Factor Australia", will head to the Narellan town centre car park in november as the event’s special guest.

Ms. Jade is thrilled to be making an appearance for the Christmas show, to be held on november 14th 2015:

‘‘I am super excited to perform some of my favourite Christmas carols and some good old classics", the "Up!" singer said,‘‘I’m so excited. Christmas is my favourite time of year.’’

Ms. Jade said she loves ‘‘giving gifts and spending time with my family’’ and listed "O Holy Night" as her favourite carol.

A free event for the community, "Christmas In Narellan" is sponsored by a number of local businesses and features entertainment, kids activities, giveaways, a visit from Santa and the lighting of the town Christmas tree:

‘‘Please come down [to "Christmas In Narellan"], it is going to be such a great day, all about family and spreading joy", Ms. Jade said, "Come and sing along with me.’’

Ms. Jade is also ‘‘super excited’’ about her upcoming guest appearance in "Home And Away" and the release of her new album, which she ‘‘can’t wait to share with everyone’’.

Credit: [X]

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Flyer of a performance at the "Christmas In Narellan" concert at the Narellan town centre car park

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Samantha Jade will perform at the "Christmas In Narellan" concert at the Narellan town centre car park, on november 14th 2015.

Monday, October 19, 2015

20/10/15 - Samantha Jade being interviewed for the website ""

Carols now Samantha Jade’s domain.

She already sings its jingle so it made sense that "Woolworths" picked pop star Samantha Jade to be the ambassador for its sponsored Christmas event, "Woolworths' Carols In The Domain".

Morley-raised Jade, left, has copped flak for singing the supermarket chain’s "Cheap, Cheap" jingle, to the 50s tune "Rockin’ Robin", in television advertisements. But it looks as if her relationship with "Woolworths" has paid off and helped land her a spot at Sydney’s main Christmas event:

“I am thrilled to be an ambassador for "Woolworths' Carols In The Domain". Christmas is about sharing and giving. I am also delighted to be helping "The Salvation Army", an organisation that does great work in the community, particularly at Christmas time”, said Jade, who was in Perth at the weekend for Telethon.

"Carols In The Domain" is coming back for its 33rd year and "Woolworths" is this year’s main sponsor.

This festive season, Jade and her Perth-based family will head to Bali, after spending last Christmas there, the first since her mum Jacqui died after battling cancer:

“Christmas obviously is a little harder now so we haven’t been able to have a Perth Christmas again yet", she said at the weekend, “It just hasn’t felt right. The best Christmas gift for me is spending time together as a family and making sure we put aside everything else.”

Jade’s new album "Nine" is dedicated to her late mother and will be released on november 20th 2015.

Credit: [X]

19/10/15 - "The West Australian" newspaper scans

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Saturday, October 17, 2015

18/10/15 - Samantha Jade on Seven's "Telethon" in Perth

"I'm Not The Only One" (Acoustic - Sam Smith cover):

"Like I'm Gonna Lose You" (Acoustic - Meghan Trainor featuring John Legend cover) with Nathaniel Willemse:

"Uptown Funk" (Bruno Mars cover) with Nathaniel Willemse, Reigan Derry and Taylor Henderson:

18/10/15 - Samantha Jade at the Hit 92.9's "Trade For Telethon" concert at the "Watertown" centre in Perth

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 Full show:

"Shake That" featuring Pitbull:


18/10/15 - Samantha Jade being interviewed for the website ""

Samantha Jade opens up about rumoured romance with "The Bachelorette Australia’s" Dave Billsborrow

Samantha Jade has finally spoken of romance rumours linking her to "The Bachelorette Australia" contestant Dave Billsborrow.

The pair sparked rumours of a budding love match after posting a series of images together on social media:

“He’s my friend, his cousin dances for me”, said the singer, who is also currently filming scenes for an extended guest role on "Home And Away", “We are good friends.”

Billsborrow’s cousin is Jade’s back-up dancer Jacqui Heeney.

The singer was coy when pushed further, asked of the possibility of romance with the northern beaches plumber and if they’d been on any dates, she said: “I don’t know about potential, but there’s no romance as it stands”, she smiled, “We haven’t been on any dates. All of our dates have been with people with us.”

Neither has officially confirmed a relationship, but Billsborrow last week described Jade as a “10 out of 10”.

Jade, 28, is today announced as the 2015 ambassador for the annual "Woolworths' Carols In The Domain" on december 19th 2015 that will be broadcast on Seven.

“I am obsessed with Christmas”, said Jade, who won "The X Factor Australia" in 2012.

This year, Jade and her Perth-based family will again spend the festive season in Bali. They were there last Christmas as it was the first since her mother, Jacqueline, died after battling cancer:

“Christmas obviously is a little harder now so we haven’t been able to have a Perth Christmas again yet”, she said, “It just hasn’t felt right and we feel like when we go away, we can still be together as a family but there’s not as many­ memories. The best Christmas gift for me is spending time together as a family and making sure we put aside everything else.”

Jade’s album "Nine", dedicated to her late mother, is to be released next month.

Credit: [X]

17/10/15 - Samantha Jade on Seven's "Telethon" in Perth

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"Let It Go" (Idina Menzel cover):


"Shake That" featuring Pitbull:

17/10/15 - "The West Australian" newspaper photoshoot

17/10/15 - Samantha Jade attending the "Lexus" ball in support of the "Telethon" at the "BelleVue" ballroom in Sioux City

Sunday, October 4, 2015

05/10/15 - Samantha Jade being interviewed for the website ""

Ready to rock the run.

Expect uptempo songs and medleys when pop starlet Samantha Jade steps out at the "City Oval" hotel on sunday.

Her job is to help celebrate everyone who crosses the line for Run Ballarat but she says that part is easy when everyone is already in a such a good mood.

“Oh my Gosh, i’m so excited”, Samantha Jade said, “I did a run for "Run Newcastle" and it was so amazing. It’s so fun to just perform for people in a great place.”

Samantha Jade will headline the new event village festival, which will be buzzing with free entertainment including music, giveaways, kids activities and massages.

While Samantha Jade has not completed a fun run yet – it is something she would like to do – she was happy to help a good cause any way she could as a singer. Her own fitness regime is mostly centered on her dancing and making sure she was eating right for her shows. Plus, Samantha Jade likes to walk, rather than using a car for transport, when she can.

Samantha Jade will take a break from filming on "Summer Bay" to visit Ballarat. She is enjoying the challenge of balancing singing and a new acting role on "Home And Away", portraying a character quite unlike herself or Kylie Minogue, which was a role that put her acting in the spotlight. Bad girl Isla does not sing:

“It’s nice to not mix the two, singing and acting. Both are very full-on and take a lot of time, but my acting is very separate”, Samanatha Jade said, “Music has been my life since i was 15, acting i developed an interest in a little bit later, but i’ve always had a curiosity about it.”

Samantha Jade said the chance to mould her own character for the soap series was exciting – there was no wrong, just her interpretation – unlike playing a highly scrutinised role in Kylie Minogue, one of the nation’s beloved stars. 

Credit: [X]

04/10/15 - Samantha Jade performing at "Fluffy" club in Brisbane

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''Shake That'' featuring Pitbull:

Highlights (00:34):